Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday 11.29.2009

I slept a little more comfortably, as the cabin had warmed up, and got up about 8:30.  30 degrees, quiet, and frosty this morning.  The lake was mirror quiet with the buffleheads splashing and diving.  There are maybe 30 of them or so now in their group.  Fun to watch.

KS got up too, and we gathered our things together, getting ready to leave, and had breakfast.  I stepped outside onto the (covered) back porch, surprised that everything was dripping as the frost was melting.  And more birdsong and bird and squirrel activity than I've heard/seen in the last couple of times I've been there.  I would have liked to stay out and listen and watch, but 1.) it's cold, and 2.) we have a time frame to leave by.  So, I thanked God for the beauty of the moment and for letting me enjoy it.

We were on the road about 10:40.  We had a good drive south, coming into light rain just north of Saginaw.  Kathy, Tom, and I got her things out of the car, and he and I visited a bit while KS got ready for an afternoon luncheon.  We said, and hugged, our goodbyes, and I continued on my way.

I had a good drive in the rain, getting home about 3.  Dan was home and greeted me and helped me unload.  I was hungry, so as my food was warming I unpacked, started laundry, etc. 

The rest of the evening we've visited, catching up on the last few days.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

Thank you God for this life, for safe travels, and friends and family.

And thank you for reading.  Hugs.

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