Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday 11.08.2009

I slept pretty good last night, and this morning watched the lake again. Mirror quiet, almost eerie, because there's not much birdsong. Occasional geese honks, and quiet duck gabble, and I did hear 2 loon calls. The lake is so still it looks like it's covered with dust or dirt, and the leaves and other stuff just laying on the surface. There has been a hatch of a small fly, almost gnat-like, and they are floating on the water, too. The water birds are eating these, and I suppose the fish might, too, though I've only seen a couple of "rings".

I got up and had breakfast, gathering my things and packing up as I went. It's 50 degrees this mid-morning, and sunny. The breeze started stirring after noon, gently ruffling the water, and clearing away the floating debris.

I decided to paint a little before going out for a walk, since the temperatures are conducive. (The paint can label says both product and surface need to be above 50 degrees...) I finished painting, rinsed out the brush, and Mary across the road and I went for a stroll.

We went down to the Goodwin Cottage to make sure all was well. It was. We circled around down the back road. Everything looks so different without foliage! Buildings, beehives, water.

Back at the JC we said our goodbyes, and I went in to get ready to leave. I pulled the trim-tape from my painting project, fixed my food, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, loaded the car, and left about 5:30. It was just after sunset. I saw 3 deer before getting to Hale, but none after that.

I had a safe drive home, thank you God. Dan was dozing in his chair but did come help me unload. I was unpacked and showered by 9:15. He has gone to bed.

Tomorrow is a work day for both of us.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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