Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday 11.07.2009

My flashlight walk was fun in the moonlight. Windy and cold. Looked like all was well, and I was looking to see if anything needed attention for today. Just leaves, from what I could see. The lake level is up from the rains.

I didn't sleep as well as I thought I would, but that's ok. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky this morning. I watched the lake for about an hour before getting out of bed. Still windy, but looks like it might settle down.

After breakfast I got ready to go outside. It was 50 degrees. I picked up sticks, raked a whole oak tree's leaves that had blown up next to the aluminum boat/trailer that is beside the garage. And they were wet. I spread them out to dry; maybe I'll do something with them tomorrow before I leave. I had brought more blocks from home (scavenged from a waste area within the complex) and got those out of the trunk, placing them in different areas for erosion control, etc. I also shoveled the ashes and stuff that got dumped out of the fire burner thing. Several buckets of stuff that I moved to the other side of the lot. By that time the temp is 58 and the wind is easing. Maybe I can go out in the paddleboat after all. I went in for lunch.

Ugh. I'm sore. I know that raking and shoveling both aggravate my shoulder. I was going slow, trying not to. Tylenol and motrin are my friend.

Lunch was good, and I tried to sit outdoors in the sun to eat, but the wind was swirling so that I was unable to get out of it. When I came back in I was chilled.

As I was warming up, Daniel called. He says it was 73 in Holt today, and of course he went out to the golf range.

It was almost 4 pm, and the lake was quieting nicely. The sun is getting lower in the sky and the air is cooling off, so I put my winter coat on and took my gloves, and went out on the paddleboat.

I had a lovely ride. It looks so different with the leaves off of the foliage. And smells like wet leaves. On the way back I saw a group of ducks I hadn't seen before. Black, smallish, diving. One had lots of white markings on it. Hm. When I got back in I looked it up in the bird book. I think they were "bufflehead" ducks, on a stopover from somewhere north of here on their way to somewhere south of here. Kind of neat.

Back inside, I was hungry again and fixed my supper. Not much else exciting going on, other than a mirror lake. So cool.

Tomorrow I'll clean up and head home. Dan's planning to golf tomorrow.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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