Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday 10.06.2009

Another workday. I felt like I was awake a lot during the night, but was sleeping when the radio came on this morning. Ugh. I got up; Dan stretched out and resumed snoring.

A safe drive to work in the rain, thank you God, with a shuttle to take us over. The first half of the day was better, but the last half kind of blew up, and I was glad to be done.

I had another safe drive home, thanks again.

Dan had left for the lake this afternoon. He says it's raining, cool, and windy, but he's got a movie on and is comfortable. He also said he thought I rested better during the night. Hm.

I thought I was feeling better, but during the afternoon while the pace had quickened, I had a few really obnoxious coughing spells. The tickle that doesn't quit until my eyes are watering and everyone on the unit is convinced I've got the "pig cough". No--just how a cold often affects me at the end of it. Cough drops, hot tea, plain water--nothing really helped. Time is the healer.

At home, I put my things away, and realized I was hungry. Oh yeah, I didn't have time to eat again this afternoon. So I heated up the food I had taken.

Now that I've eaten, I'm getting sleepy. So I'll go to bed soon.

Tomorrow I'll head north for a couple of days.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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