Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday 10.31.2009 Halloween

I was surprised that the radio had been on almost 15 minutes before I woke up. I got up and got ready for work. Daniel's alarm came on at 5, and he got up, too.

He said he was tired, that he didn't sleep well. Seems I was snoring. Hm. I'm glad I was sleeping.

I had a safe drive down, thank you God. I parked and walked over to the hospital. We had a good day, with a good group of co-workers. Both units were full this morning. Lots of call lights throughout the day. By the end of the shift, the overflow unit brought their remaining patients over, a couple nurses left early, and we were glad to be done with the day.

A good drive home, thanks again. Dan is punky tonight and has gone to bed. I'm going to change some clocks back and turn in, too, hoping to sleep a little more tonight. Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

Overall, I'm doing ok. Same discomforts--sore breast, full shoulder/upper arm/breast/back, ear full, and nauseated for a couple hours after taking the arimidex. But I'm alive, and cancer free. And hope to stay that way.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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