Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday 10.23.2009

I finally felt like I slept well. Ahh. I woke at 10:00, feeling like it was time to get up. And I did.

I washed up, breakfasted, started collecting things to go to the lake, piling shirts, pants, unders, etc., on the bed. I thought I would see what I am wanting to take, then choose the size bag to put it in.

I ended up using my suitcase, and that I wasn't taking a lot, I got my pillow into the bag, too. Winter coat, hat, and gloves went into another bag. A few foodstuffs, and I was ready.

I called the hospital to see if they were busy, as I was "on-call". There was still one other person to call ahead of me if they needed more help. Yippee!! I carried stuff down to the car.

I loaded up and got on my way. It was about 2:30. Windy, gray, foggy, misty rain alternating with other amounts of rain.

I got to Diane's about 3:30. She called a few minutes later, and shortly after that she was home. Cool.

We enjoyed each other's company, and Diane played a couple pieces on the piano. Very nice.

We got loaded up. I had to shift things around from the trunk to the back seat, which wasn't a problem, other than it was "snaining". Really coming down heavy. Cold, large drops, almost frozen.

When we took off from her house, we were both quite wet. We opted to stop at Bob Evans for dinner, which very near by. That was a good choice, because we not only got fed, we got warmed, and our coats almost dried.

On our way again. It was a mostly uneventful drive, other than the weather. We arrived at the Jacque Cabin about 8:30 and unloaded.

Even though it was about 48 degrees, gray, and precipitating, it was really nice. There was one mouse in a trap; other than that, all seemed to be ok. I talked with Daniel; all seemed well there, too. We went out for a flashlight walk, looking at the foundation of the house especially, and all looked ok.

We enjoyed good conversation and each other's company. Diane went off to bed; I wrote here.

No plans for tomorrow.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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