Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday 09.11.2009 Remember in Prayer...

The great terrorist attack. The fear, the faith, the people who have lost family members and friends and acquaintances and co-workers. Memories. History. God's love. Strength. Wounded who died, wounded who survived, and the rest of the world who are Survivors. Still surreal.

A restless night; hot, cold, uncomfortable. Right side, back, lean left, right side... finally time to get up. I was finished getting ready when Dan's alarm came on.

I had breakfast, he came out and ate, too, then we both left for our places of employment.

The shuttle came and picked us up. Over at the hospital, I clocked in and started my day. We had a good group. A long day, filled with routine tasks, and other not-so-routine-but-very-important-nursing-type-tasks. Finally, the day was done.

When I got home, Daniel was laying on the bed sleeping. I tried not to bother him as I changed my clothes and put my things away. He finally woke about 9:15. We visited a bit, and he went back to bed about 10:00. I wrote here.

Tomorrow is finally haircut day. I hope I'll be rested in the morning.

Beyond that, not much.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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