Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday 08.17.2009

A short night, but I think I slept a little more than last night. I got up and got ready for work. Daniel was up this morning, too.

A safe drive down, thank you God, and you know what? It's dark again now in the morning. Yuck.

We were busy today, and of course, I have the best co-workers. We had a relatively good day, considering. We were all tired at the end of the shift.

A light rain was starting as we left. I did manage to walk the 2 blocks to my car without getting really wet.

A safe drive home, thank You again. The light was very odd with the rain and the clouds; a couple of times it looked like a black and white setting, or shades of gray type of composition. Very Odd.

Daniel had subbed for someone on a golf league this evening, and even though it started raining, they were able to play what they needed to. He has drifted off to bed.

I work tomorrow, and I'm about off to bed myself.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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