Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday 07.29.2009

Daniel had gotten up in the night; I dozed back off. When I woke again he still wasn't in the bed. Huh?? I got up to look--he was sleeping in the guest room. Again, huh?? I went back to bed. It was somewhere around 2 AM. When my alarm came on I got up, feeling a little rested. Just before 5, Daniel comes in, carrying his pillow. I asked him why he was sleeping over there. His response?? "You were snoring!!!"

Yippee!!! I finally had some decent sleep!! (sorry I interrupted your sleep, though)

We breakfasted and went on our way.

I had a safe drive down, thank you, God, and the shuttle pulled up just as I was parking. Thank You again.

We had a busy day, and I finally left at 8 PM. Whew.

A safe drive home, more thanks.

Daniel had been able to leave around noon, I think he said, and had slept a couple hours this afternoon. He's getting up early to to the the Buick Open golf tournament in Grand Blanc. He's quite excited.

I'll be sleeping in, then exercising and going out for groceries.

And praying for peace in the Lord, as my cousin is declining with brain cancer.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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