Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday 06.09.2009

This morning Daniel got up and left for work. I only heard the water in the sink. Next I knew, it was 8:30. I listened to the radio a little before getting up.

I had breakfast, looked at my list, picked through email, went out for a jog. Showered, lunch. Phone calls. Dave from the body shop called to tell me the Sebring was ready for me to pick up.

I walked over there thinking I would stop at the pharmacy and Meijer. As we talked about the car, they decided they would send it back to check the alignment. I walked back home and got the Pontiac.

By now it was 3 o'clock, and busy in the store. Yuck. I got the items on the list, but forgot to get a raincheck when checking out. Oh well. The lines were so long at the main entrance that I went around to a different area. I don't like busy stores.

On to the pharmacy, which was busy also, but I was next to pick up prescriptions.

Back home I put groceries away and got dinner started. Daniel came home just a few minutes later.

Dinner was yummy, and he went out to hit golf balls. I was surprised when he came back a short while later, saying he was just too tired to really practice.

I went over to the storage unit to pick up a couple things I wanted at the lake. When I got back, Dan was having a hard time keeping his eyes open; he went to bed about 9.

I wrote here.

Tomorrow is a workday, and I'll be going to bed soon.

My breast has been sore today, as has the shoulder. I finally took tylenol/motrin just before supper. It sure helps.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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