Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday 06.08.2009

I slept pretty good, overall. I heard Dan say something like "it's cold in here", and I remember being uncovered myself and thinking "it is?" I think that's when he got up. I heard him rustling around, and the next thing I remember is that it was 0630 ish. He said he leaves by 0600; I was disappointed that I missed seeing him off.

I dozed a couple more times before hearing the radio. It was 9:00--I had to get up for my massage appointment at 10:00.

I got to Leah's and she did a marvelous job. She focused on the left upper quadrant of my body, working with the lymph fluid that has collected. It's not all gone, but she did move a lot of it. Even though the breast is still uncomfortable, I do feel a little better in my neck.

Back at home, I ended up doing several loads of laundry, started supper, tried to read emails. I kept trying to fall asleep. I walked around the complex a couple different times, made a few phone calls. We had a doozy of a rainstorm pass through this afternoon. Heavy rain and strong wind. It rained sideways for a time, and visibility was such that I could hardly see the building across the way.

Daniel got home; we finished supper and ate.

The rest of the evening has been quiet. The hummingbirds have been feeding tonight.

Tomorrow is unplanned, sort of. Some housekeeping, and exercise.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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