Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday 05.31.2009

The last day of May already.

Silly me--I thought I would sleep last night. Not!! I tossed and turned until after 1 o'clock, and got up after a non-refreshing nap. I made it, though, to work this morning. I only did routine morning stuff then clocked out at 0900. It was good to be back home.

Daniel was just leaving for golf. I changed clothes and laid back down on the bed. I ended up with a short nap, getting back up after an hour.

I had something to eat, put dinner in the crockpot and talked to Jeremy for a bit. He sounded good, we had a nice chat.

After that, I rode my bicycle over to the library. Surprisingly, it wasn't any more time to ride than to drive. And it was a beautiful afternoon.

Back at home, I added potatoes (I cut them up and microwaved them first to precook a little bit) to the crockpot, then went outdoors and planted the flat of flowers I got yesterday. I decided that I was going to put some in the landscaping around the building here, in my line of vision from our window. I get so much enjoyment just looking at the plants--I think I'm a bit daff. Anyway, they're in, and I like it.

I've been gathering things to take to the lake when I go Wednesday, and got most everything done on my list. I'll be able to finish the last couple of items without difficulty.

Daniel got back, dinner was yummy, and the rest of the evening was kind of laid back.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

I've had my tylenol/motrin to go to bed with. You know, same discomforts.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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