Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday 05.01.2009 May Day

I think I slept ok. I know I looked at the clock several times during "warm-ups" but went back to sleep fairly soon. This morning I woke with sinus pressure. Ugh. The birds were happily welcoming the morning. I dozed back off, and the next time I woke up, Daniel was up. My face still hurt and I wasn't ready to get up yet; I listened to the birdsong, and the next time I looked at the clock it was 9:30. Good. Time to get up.

I did, but felt lousy. My facial pressure was somewhat less, but my whole body, especially the left side, feels full. Underarm, breast, upper arm, neck. I could tell I was fighting a depressive episode.

I was hungry, so fixed breakfast and fresh coffee and enjoyed both.

As I'm still catching up on the emails that came in last week while I was at the lake, I took the morning lolling on the sofa doing just that. I made progress. I enjoyed the sunshine and birdsong, and when my bottom got tired of sitting I got ready to go for a jog.

The high cloud cover had moved in, so I missed being outdoors in the sun, but it was still high 50's/low 60's, and the birds were still noisy. Several folks were out working in their yards. I had a fairly easy jog today.

I lingered outside in the breeze, cooling off before going in. I showered after cooling off.

Checking my phone, I saw that I had a missed call--therapy!! I listened to the message--Ike--I called back. Ike said she hadn't gotten a prescription yet from the doctor's office, but we made an appointment for next week Thursday. I thanked her and called over to Dr. Bolmer/now I'll be seeing Dr. Williams' office and left another message, as we patients are instructed to do. I'll check Monday with therapy to see if it's come through.

My brother Tom called my computer via ooVoo--a program that does free voice/video with your webcam. Daniel has it downloaded too, and we tried it with the three of us online at the same time. Since it is new to us, we had to work the kinks out of my computer, and Dan's too, which took some time, but once we did it worked quite well. A whole new experience, seeing yourself talking on camera. And seeing who you're talking to. Aahhh, technology...

I was getting hungry again. Oh, I see why, it's 7 pm. I fixed some food and ate. (Daniel had fixed food and eaten a while ago, but I wasn't hungry then.) The rest of the evening we were just here.

Tomorrow Daniel is golfing; not sure what I'm going to do. Hope I feel better, for one.

Even though I'm feeling a bit punky, I'm thankful I'm alive and cancer free.

And I thank you for reading. Hugs.

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