Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday 04.27.2009 Caught Up

Yes, I'm home, and finally rested up. I had a wonderful time at The Lake.

I got home Friday night shortly after 10 pm, and after unloading, unpacking, and showering, I got to bed about 12:30. And do you think I could sleep?? I finally dozed, and when the radio came on at 0430 I was asleep. I struggled to get out of bed. In fact, I struggled most of the day. I was sooo tired. I made it, though, and when I got back home Saturday night, I put my pajamas on. I knew that if I sat on the sofa my eyes would be rolling back in my head, so I went to bed. Yep. 8:40pm. And I went to sleep.

Of course I woke at intervals during the night, but I did sleep. I felt a little better during the workday Sunday, but again, when I got home I put my pj's on. I think I went to bed shortly after 9 on Sunday night. I woke several times through the night, but went back to sleep without much difficulty.

This morning, Daniel was not in the bed. Hm. I went back to sleep. I finally woke about 10 and listened to the radio a bit before getting up. Daniel tells me that he had to get up because I was sprawled out, he couldn't get me to move, and I was snoring so much he couldn't ignore it! Wow! I think I finally got caught up!!

I called a co-worker who was leading a meeting that was scheduled for today to verify it was still on and had to leave a message. She called me back. Yes, and remember that we had talked about snacks/potluck... I rummaged through the cupboards and decided to make cranberry orange muffins. While I had the oven on, Daniel put together a meat dish to bake at the same time. When the muffins were done, I showered; then it was time to go to Jackson.

It was very windy today, wind advisories in fact. The gusts were interesting to drive in.

I attended the meeting and drove back home. Through town, I was amazed at how the leaves have burst out, daffodils and tulips and hyacinth--and just last week we had a fresh snowfall. Amazing.

Daniel was umpiring a game, but it had started to rain. I fixed my supper; he came in just as it was finished. Rained out.

We spent the rest of the evening quiet.

I have several pages of email to read. I've done a couple loads of laundry and will do a couple more tomorrow.

Massage in the morning. I'm looking forward to it.

My shoulder and breast are still achy and uncomfortable, and it looks to me like my arm is slightly puffy/full. I need to call for a prescription and appointments.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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