Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday 04.13.2009

I slept hard until 0220. Biological functions woke me; I took care of business and went back to bed, thinking "good, I've got 2 hours until I have to get up". I went back to sleep.

The phone rang at 0440. Uh oh. Why isn't the radio on? Oh, the alarm has to be turned on so that it will come on. Anyway, I was put on-call. Great. I went back to sleep.

I woke again about 8. I dozed until 9-ish, got up and into the shower. That felt good.

Breakfast, then Daniel went out to do a few errands. I tried to get my email read.

Daniel came in with the mail, and as I reviewed my bank statement I saw that the numbers were incorrect. (We still have separate accounts...) Between the two of us, we found that somehow my account number had gotten on a couple of his. I took us a bit, but we figured it out and got it resolved.

And then, the phone rang. Time to go to work

It was also time for me to eat. So I did. My personal thought is that being called in means you're needed. So don't get to work and immediately go get something to eat. They could be drowning and you could be walking into a big mess. Be prepared to clock in and start running.

As it was, the other girl that was called in arrived just about 5 minutes before I did, and the patient was arriving just as my co-worker did. (We opened the overflow unit)

Our next patient arrived a couple hours later. There were other patients expected, but it was the end of our shift, so the next shift took over.

An uneventful drive home, though blustery.

I visited with Daniel a bit then fixed my supper and ate, read email, and wrote here.

I'm ready for bed.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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