Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday 03.10.2009

A short night; I think I slept a total of maybe 2 hours, total. Ok. Time to get up. An uneventful drive in the rain, thank you God, and I waited just a few minutes in the parking lot for the shuttle.

We had a steady busy morning, and with my orientee, we were keeping up on tasks but hadn't documented much. One more patient delivered, it was almost noon, and we hadn't had a break. I talked with the charge nurse. That new delivery put us at the census level to increase staff, and she called in an "on-call" LPN for us.

When she arrived, I asked her if she would cover the floor for us while we caught up. She did. (I tell you, I have great co-workers) The first thing we did was a bathroom break, then lunch. Next we caught up on documentation. In the midst of that, our surgical patient came back, and I wanted her to juggle all of the above, and she did, admirably.

Whew. She did a great job, and she was scheduled to leave at 3 pm. I think she was happy to do so.

The rest of the afternoon went on at much the same pace. Finally it was time to clock out.

44 degrees, drizzle alternating with light rain, very wet drive home. But safe. Thank you again, Lord.

Daniel was happy to see me, and we had a quiet evening. I wrote here.

Tomorrow he sees the eye doctor.

I'm getting pretty sleepy, I'm off to bed.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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