Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday 03.03.09 Square Root Day

Interesting how the mathmeticians and engineers and whoever else sees this date as "square root day". Personally, I think 03.06.09 is much more interesting.

I got up and got ready for work. I arrived several minutes early and waited for the shuttle. Just as I was gathering my things to walk over, the shuttle pulled up. Thank you, God. Not that I mind walking--it was 4 degrees out there. BBBRRR!

We had a good day, mostly. I had a meeting in the afternoon and someone came in to cover me so that I could attend. When I got back on the floor about 6:15, the fan had turned on, if you get my drift. I'm not quite sure just what happened, but I jumped in, not knowing just what or why it had seemingly fallen apart. The orientee and myself picked up pieces, but even clocking out 20 minutes late wasn't long enough for the floor to settle down. The night shift is very capable, and I trust that they will settle down after not too long.

The shuttle wasn't there when I got to the front door and I ended up walking the 2 blocks back to my car. The temperature felt much warmer--the thermometer on the car showed 24 degrees.

The northbound highway had several dead skunks along the road at intervals. Like, maybe, 5?? I was quite surprised at how many were there. I didn't hit any, though, tonight.

Once home, I put my things away, changed clothes, looked at the mail, checked email, and wrote here. I'm about falling asleep here.

Daniel called and is ready to get up and leave before the sun comes up. Pray he travels safely.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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