Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday 03.09.2009

I've discovered that I don't like the wind. It unsettles me, especially at night. So, last night while Daniel was busy with his beauty sleep, I was not. I ended up going up to the loft and laying on the sofa up there and dozing for a bit. When I woke, the wind had settled down, and I went to bed.

Yesterday, one of my co-workers called and let me know the census was down, and one of us would be "staffed", or "on-call". She didn't want to be off the whole day (thereby losing 12 hours of pay), so she offered to work the first half of the day knowing that I don't like to get up in the morning. That sounded good to me. I left my alarm off. Dan and I woke up shortly after 8 this morning.

We had a quiet morning, then all too soon, it was time for me to leave for work.

It was nice to be going to work in the daylight. And I was very surprised to find a parking place. The shuttle wasn't in sight, though, and I walked the 2 blocks to the hospital.

We had a good afternoon, moderately, steady busy. And I was happy to see the night shift come in.

An uneventful drive back home, thank you, God. And with the Daylight Savings Time, it was still light out, though dusk was approaching.

The rest of the evening Daniel had the television on and I caught up on email and wrote here. I've been really hot for most of the day today, and my breast is sore, and my shoulder is sore, too. Just another day, I guess.

Tomorrow is a workday, and I'm off to bed. Dan went a short while ago.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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