Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday 02.11.2009

I thought I had "gotten my sleep out", but I have felt sleepy all day. I probably would have taken a nap if I hadn't gone to Jackson for an "emergency" department meeting.

The weather was predicted to be windy and rain, and I had decided to take the van instead of the Sebring. I just don't like to hear the "rain on the tent". That's what the sound of rain on the convertible top reminds me of. I don't like rain on the tent.

After the meeting I stopped in to Wal Mart to pick up a few items and headed home.

Daniel had called and sounded good, saying he was only minimally sore from 18 holes of golf yesterday.

I had a snack, checked email, and wrote here.

Tomorrow I have a therapy appointment with Ike.

That's all for now; thank you for reading. Hugs.

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