Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday 02.22.2009

I slept hard, waking a couple of times but returning to sleep without difficulty. The radio came on inidicating it was time to get up; it took several minutes to get my brain awake.

I got ready and left for Jackson. The roads down were mostly better than they were 9 hours previously. I parked and walked in the road (sidewalks not cleared) over to the hospital.

We had a good group again today. We were busy. The seizure patient was finally transferred shortly after midnight with one of our nurses accompanying her in the ambulance, and she seized again on the way over. We are all concerned about her, and I ask that you pray for and send angels to her and her baby and her family. We're hoping for an optimal outcome.

The day finally ended and we were able to leave. I walked back to the car in the road (sidewalks still not cleared) and headed home.

Kathy Sue had arrived shortly before I did. We have been looking forward to our "quality face-to-face" time for a few weeks, and have been catching up since I arrived home.

She has drifted off to bed, and I've just plain drifted off while writing. Soo, I'll be heading to my bed shortly.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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