Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday 1.2.2009 911

It's a big deal now...

This morning, after a night of frequent wakefulness by both of us, we got up about 8:30. Yes, I was scheduled to work today, but I called at 0425 when the alarm went off and was told I was "on-call". Ok, back to sleep.

Dan got in the shower, I stripped the bed and started the washer. I was at my vanity sink, outside the bathroom, when I heard him faintly call "Kathy..." I turned off the water and looked in the bathroom. Dan was sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands. "You ok??" I asked him. "I'm really hot. Feel me." Yep, extremely perspirous. (like that word?) And his skin color was quite gray, no lips to be seen. Hm. "Dan? I'm going to call 911." He made a grunting noise, told me he had tried to get his blood pressure but the machine read error. Hm. He's still got his head down, still perspiring. I put the blood pressure cuff on him and pumped the bulb. I kind of wanted to get a blood pressure but mostly wanted to observe him. The machine read error again. "Dan, I'm calling 911." No response. I put the bath towel on the floor and encouraged him to get off the stool and lay down. No, he said. "Ok," I said, "I'm calling" I was going for my phone.

I called, gave the dispatcher the information, and she said something about the call being sent out. I thanked her and hung up, watching Dan. I wanted to get him on the bed, so I got a clean set of sheets, put the bottom one on, and went to get Daniel. He was not looking good. My mind was going a thousand miles a second...

He was wobbly, but we got over to the bed. He looked yucky. He must have put underwear on in the bathroom, but I helped him with his sweat pants. He was still diaphoretic but a little more responsive. I gave him a nitroglycerin tablet, put the bottle in his hand, and ran down the stairs to open the door for the EMTs when they get there. (Where are they?? I didn't hear sirens yet.) I ran back upstairs, got a bag, and started throwing things in it. Then I realized I wasn't dressed.

I hurriedly did that, brushed my teeth, and saw that the ambulance was pulling up. I ran downstairs to meet them as my phone was ringing. Was that them, looking to verify the address? Nope. The 2 guys brought the gurney into the foyer. We went upstairs.

They went in the bedroom and began evaluating him, and my phone rang again. I looked at the number--my hospital. I answered it, because, after all, I'm on call. I spoke briefly to my co-worker who heard the tone in my voice--she asked if I was ok. "Um, yeah, um, no, um Dan's having a heart attack and the EMTs are here right now and I've gotta go..." Sheesh. She told me that she would call the other person on call to come in, and would pray for Daniel. Thanks, I told her, and I would call later when I knew more....

So, the guys decided they were ready to transport. It was then I realized they hadn't brought the gurney up the stairs. Dan stood up, then right down onto a chair. One of the guys got another dining room chair and Dan got into that one, and the two guys carried him downstairs to the foyer and got him on the gurney. After strapping him on, they loaded him into the ambulance, where they put the AED (automated emergency defibrillator) leads on to see what his heart was doing.

I was busy running around like a crazy woman, trying to remember all the things I wanted to take to the hospital. Dan had asked me to call Dr. Karve's office, so I did that. I told the girl what was going on, and she said she would notify the doctor. Ok. I hadn't had breakfast, so I mixed an instant breakfast, grabbed a banana, an apple, a small bagel, and the container of cut up veggies. There. That should help. I went downstairs to the garage.

They were still sitting there. Hm. What's up?? I went around to the back of the ambulance to look in the windows, but it was too high for me to see into. So I climbed onto the bumper of the ambulance. Dan was sitting up smiling. Whew. I saw they were starting an IV line, saw the rhythm on the monitor, they finally got a blood pressure (100/50). Good. The guy opened the door and I stepped in while they were finishing the IV line. They were ready to go. I told Daniel I loved him, that I would see him soon, and climbed out of the truck.

In my own car, I thought I might want my laptop; I went back upstairs to get it. I got to the hospital about 20 minutes after they did.

I was led to the room where Dan was. He looked much better. He said Dr. Karve's PA, Laurie, met him in the ER and had things ready to go. There was heparin infusing, and Dan said he was being admitted. It was a couple hours later when we were transferred to 409-1, the same room and bed he was in a few days ago.

The nurse asked Daniel about his pain. She wanted him to be pain-free, so she asked again. Dan told her he was having the same discomfort as before, and she gave him another nitro tablet. About a minute and a half later, Dan said the pain was gone! So, the discomforts he's been feeling have probably been heart related all along. Dr. Nagapan (or something like that) came in; he said that Dr. Shah would do a cardiac catheterization this afternoon sometime. Ok.

Shortly after that, someone came in and drew blood, then he went down to x-ray for a chest x-ray. When he was back in the room, about 20 minutes later, I went home to get some lunch for myself, as well as the few items that Daniel wanted.

Dan called just as I was getting back in the car; they were taking him for the procedure. Ok. And Jim and Polly had come in about 15 minutes earlier. Good.

The rest of the afternoon was waiting for him to be done. Dr. Shah came out afterwords and said that the left ascending artery had a 70% blockage and he put one stent in, saying the other area didn't need a stent at this time. I hope so--Dr. Karve had said two stents, but that's his view.

Nick and Bre waited with us, too. They left after Dan got to the recovery unit, then Jim and Polly left, too. It's now just before midnight, and I'm about ready to go home.

Dan is back over in 409-1 with a 10 pound sandbag on the left groin, which is wanting to bruise. He's had a light lunch and evening meds and will probably doze off shortly. If all goes well, he'll be able to go home tomorrow afternoon.

We are truly blessed that the angels were watching over us today, what with me being on-call and such. Dan and I have thanked God several times today.

And thank you, too, for reading and praying for us. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. yup, 'tis a big deal....sending healing light and warm hugs.

    Love to you both ~ kimberly
