Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday 10.16.2008, Again

I got up and went to My Annual Physical with Dr. James Taylor. It was an interesting perspective, being there where he and I first discussed "what if it is something...", meaning the lump and soreness in my breast, back in October of 2007. Now, on the other side of Something, I'm back to having a "normal" office visit. We caught up on my treatment, and he and Dr. David DeBiose, the radiation oncologist, had gone to med school together. Dr. Taylor said they had attended a college reunion recently where he and Dr. DeBiose were seated at the same table together. I asked if they talked about me--Dr. T kind of smiled and said yes, but only on a one-to-one basis, not in a group....

So he looked me over, inside and out, we talked about how I did with the medications and what the treatment plan is from here. I had taken him a copy of the bloodwork I had had a couple of weeks ago for Dr. Bolmer, and he was impressed that my CBC had rebounded so well. (He had been getting copies of labs during chemo) We decided what other labs we wanted with this blood draw. I thought it interesting that he drew the incision sites on the pictogram--the outline of the body, front and back view. But I guess that's what it's for...

We talked about the hot flashes. He had a suggestion for the catapress patch, which I will ask Dr. Bolmer about at some point. I still haven't decided if the 37.5 mg of effexor is better than the 75 mg extended release. I know that it did help when I first took it. He also offered acupuncture. I've done other acupuncture treatments with him for other things. Now, though, the insurance we have doesn't cover it. $75 for the first treatment, $50 for each of the rest. And he said it would be 5 or 6 treatments. Whoa--I'm not sure I'm that uncomfortable. I told him I'd call to schedule it if I decided to do it. (Well, I am that uncomfortable, but if they are going to decrease like Dr. Bolmer says, do I want to spend that much money?? Not right now)

He and I finish. I get dressed, the girl Rhoda? comes to get me for my blood draw. Fortunately she gets right in, first stab, and fills the 3 tubes she has ready. Whew. And I sit there several minutes while my wooziness goes away. Ok. I sign the paper at the checkout window and am on my way. Oh, by the way, my weight was 146# on their scale (and I forgot to ask what it was previous visit) and blood pressure 100/70. All clear till next year.

Out in the parking lot, I get in the car and call Frank. He answers and I ask him if he'd like to have breakfast with me. (even though it's now 11:30--I haven't eaten, and he has just gotten up) We meet at Marr's on Michigan Avenue near the hospital, which works for me, as I have a meeting from 3 til 6.

Frank and I have a good visit, and we leave the restaurant shortly after 1. He has to get ready for work.

I have the laptop with me, and I go over to the hospital to the meeting room, set up, and connect to the internet, which is where I wrote the previous Thursday post.

The meeting happened as meetings do, and I left to come home.

Dan was officiating a football game so he wasn't home. I got settled in, and he came in about 10:00, cold and tired. But, he did take the time to install the new modem which had arrived earlier today.

So we're back online.

Friday is a 10 AM appointment with Ike.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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