Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday 8.4.2008

The best words someone can hear when instructed to call after 5 pm: "No Jurors Needed"

So I had to get up and go to work instead. I was sleeping when the alarm went off (really, the radio comes on), and I awakened and looked at the clock. It had been on for 10 minutes already. Out of bed, dressed and ready, breakfasted, lunch gathered, out the door and down the highway. I stopped at Kipp Road Meijer to refuel. $43.00 later (hey, gas went down. It's been $48 for a tank) and I continue on my way.

It's dark in the morning now, with the morning stars shining brightly, then insistingly struggling to be seen as the daylight oozes steadily from the eastern horizon. This morning was a beautiful stripe of oranges and deep blues as I traveled south. The corn and soybean fields lend to this view, then trees, then buildings, and the highway curves away and I need to pay attention to my driving. I thanked God for this beautiful morning, with a heart full of gratitude and humbleness for my well-being and for the people in my life.

I arrive at the j.o.b., park, and make sure to listen to the birdsong on my way into the building. The workday was challenging for me, in that we had a full unit with lots of visitors. I got pretty tired about 4:30 or so, but kept on keeping on. The last couple hours went pretty fast, and I thought one of the night shift people was really early. Not!! Cool. Almost done.

Clocked out, back to the car. Home.

I'm thankful the deer and other critters were not "underfoot", so to speak.

Daniel wasn't home yet, finishing the Special Olympics outing event. I fixed myself a bite to eat and ate it. He got home around 8:50. We visited a bit, I wrote here, and I'm off to bed.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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