Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday 8.22.08

I got up this morning about 8:30 after sleeping fair, even though I was pretty tired. Dreams, hot flashes, blah, blah; a typical night for me.

I had a list--physical therapy with Ike, the Centennial Wireless store to change/update my phone plan, Meijers, and the CVS pharmacy to pick up a refill. I finished loading the dishwasher, started it, and I headed out.

Ike came out to get me shortly after 10. In room 2, she looked at my breast, arm, and the side of my ribs. She commented that I looked really full. (Yes, that's why I wanted an appointment...) She started doing what she does, and I was surprised that it hurt as much as it did. She worked on me for over an hour, and when she was done, my breast was much smaller and the sensitivity that had developed down the inside of my forarm was mostly gone. She then addressed my shoulder. She had me move my arms every which way to evaluate my range of motion, then we went out in the common therapy area where she demonstrated some exercises that she thought would help. I did the return demo, and showed her where it hurt in my shoulder as I went through the movements. She was surprised at this, and took me back into room 2 to re-evaluate. After moving the shoulder around, she said for me to keep using my arm, to do the exercises as I can, and we'll do more stuff next appointment. Ok, thanks. She hugged me, and I went on my way.

Over to Centennial. I wanted to change the coverage area on the plan that I had, so that I would not incur costs while Dan and I are in South Carolina next week. The nice Blue Shirt guy, maybe his name was Paul, was very patient in explaining the options, as things have changed. You see, last year, and in previous years, I have changed the coverage areas for just the dates that I would need them, and it was less than $10.00. Now, that option is No Longer Available. Hm. As I said, he was very patient, and it seems that he considered all the options, looking for ways to give me what I need without incurring an increase in cost, or other unnecessary fees. In the end, I ended up with nationwide coverage, more options than what I needed (because they are "bundled" together), and only $2 more per month. Ok. We'll see how that works. Thank you very much, Mr. Blue Shirt guy, for your patience and guidance.

Next stop, Meijer. I went in and got what I wanted, paid, and got out. Back in the car, to CVS pharmacy. I went in, picked up the prescription, paid, and left. Back home, (Dan's) daughter, Kim, her daughter Amanda, and Amanda's young'un Skyler were there. Our complex is having a Community Garage Sale this weekend, and Kim brought a garage full of stuff over. She doesn't get much traffic where she lives, and she and Amanda had things set up pretty good, and were finishing up. After hugs, I went on in to take care my groceries and have lunch, as I've been gone for quite a while.

I was just finishing when Kim and Manda and Skyler came in for a few minutes before they left. I walked them down to the car, and after they had left, started food prep, cutting up some veggies to take on the trip. I picked away at several things the rest of the afternoon, gathering, ironing, packing some stuff. I was hungry again and was surprised that it was 6:45 pm already. So I fixed myself something to eat. Dan said he didn't want any, but I prepared more than I wanted. He ended up eating "the rest" of what I didn't want. *smile*

I checked email and wrote here. I'm up at 0530 to finish packing my things, and Dan wants to be on the road by 0700. Ok.

I'm going to finish the kitchen and go to bed. I'll write tomorrow night from I-don't-know-where-we're-stopping.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kath,
    So glad Ike did her 'magic'. That is great therapy for you.

    Sounds like you are just about ready to head to Myrtle Beach. Hope the weather is perfect. We'll be thinking of you both. Stay safe.

    Love, Tom & Kathy Sue
