Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday 2.1.2008

Day 17, Treatment #1

I worked today, a tricky drive in the midst of a snowstorm. Even though the roads had been plowed, it was snowing so hard the road was bumpy. I was driving, literally, reflector to reflector at some times. I made it ok, and the only incident I saw was a semi truck that had driven off the side of the road, way off the shoulder. Odd.

Had a good work day, with a great group of co-workers. I took the shorter brown wig with me, just in case my hair doesn't hold up. The girls liked it. (I'll put pictures on here soon)

After work I went over to the home and put mom to bed, then headed home myself. A much better drive this evening, on wet roads.

I visited with Daniel a bit, he went to bed, and I wrote here. I'm really tired tonight, and off to bed myself.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy Kathy,
    Woo hoo to Jim for shaving his head. Doesn't he look sexy bald?? LOL Glad to hear you bought some scarfs. Those will at least keep your head warm. Please put some pictures up of those too. I'm anxious to see the wigs that you chose. I'm sure they both look great on you. You're beautiful anyway, though, no matter what is on the top of your head! I hope your stomache is feeling better today. Get some rest and have a pleasant weekend.
    Warm hugs and lots of love,
