Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday 12.23.2007

After breakfast this morning, I finished wrapping and tagging a couple of gifts for this afternoon's party--picked up a little, and got ready to go to Jackson to pick up Mom. Daniel helped me adjust the ace wrap--we don't have it quite right this time under the arm, but it will do. The underarm area might be just a smidgen smaller this morning. All of the tender spots are still tender though. I had about 30 minutes to sit with the heating pad and check the computer.

We got to the nursing home, mom had been fed and they were changing her clothes. They had also curled her hair. I thanked them for getting her ready and doing a nice job. Frank came in and helped get her into the car. Mom hardly made a noise, and was quiet all the way there. Frank scooped her up again and carried her into Jim and Polly's home, placing her in the recliner. Mom stayed awake all afternoon, listening and looking. Jeremy called from Afghanistan, and we had a nice conversation. We had a wonderful meal, I fed mom, then we opened gifts. Lots of hugs and conversations. Time for Frank to scoop Elaine again and get into the car. She wasn't so quiet this time, and made noise most of the way back to the nursing home. Frank got her out of the car, into the wheelchair, and we rolled back to the room. She was still fussy, I rolled her around the facility, but that didn't work, but she quieted after I got her into the bathroom to get ready for bed. With her tucked in and comfortable, Dan and I headed home.

Breon and Nick were making buckeyes for gifts, and left after they were done. Dan went to bed at 9 pm, I stayed up and wrote here. I'm just a bit sore, and every once in a while the wound gets a sharp pain. The heating pad feels good. I'm on my way to bed, too, and up at 0410 to work....

Thank you for reading, for the hugs, for the support. You are, each of you, so very important to me and Dan.

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